ERIC F BROWN Insider Trading Transactions


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General | Insider Transactions | Monthly Overview

Get the latest insider transactions of ERIC F BROWN. ERIC F BROWN is EVP & Chief Financial Officer in McAfee, Inc. ($NET) and EVP & Financial Officer in McAfee, Inc. ($NET).

Latest Insider Trading Transactions of ERIC F BROWN

1 Week2 Weeks1 Month3 Months6 Months1 Year2 Years
No. of Purchases0000000
Value of Purchases ($)0000000
No. of Sales0000000
Value of Sales ($)0000000

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DateTickerCompanyOwnerRelationship Transaction Code Cost ($) Shares Transaction Value ($) Total Shares % Holdings
Feb 20 2008NETMcAfee, Inc.BROWN ERIC FEVP & Financial Off ...Option ExerciseA32.9585,0002,800,75085,000
Jan 31 2008NETMcAfee, Inc.BROWN ERIC FEVP & Financial Off ...Payment of ExerciseF35.726,788242,46718,21225 K to 18.2 K (-27.15 %)
Feb 22 2007NETMcAfee, Inc.BROWN ERIC FEVP & Financial Off ...Payment of ExerciseF28.686,824195,712186,347193.2 K to 186.3 K (-3.53 %)
Mar 09 2006NETMcAfee, Inc.BROWN ERIC FEVP & Chief Financi ...GrantA0.01125,0001,250193,17168.2 K to 193.2 K (+183.36 %)
Jan 04 2006NETMcAfee, Inc.BROWN ERIC FEVP & Chief Financi ...Payment of ExerciseF27.106,829185,06668,17175 K to 68.2 K (-9.11 %)
Jan 04 2005NETMcAfee, Inc.BROWN ERIC FEVP & Chief Financi ...Option ExerciseA28.42300,0008,526,000300,000
Jan 04 2005NETMcAfee, Inc.BROWN ERIC FEVP & Chief Financi ...GrantA0.0175,00075075,0000 to 75 K

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