CHARLES CARINALLI Insider Trading Monthly Overview


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General | Insider Transactions | Monthly Overview

Monthly overview of insider trading of CHARLES CARINALLI.

CHARLES CARINALLI Insider Trading Monthly Overview

YearMonth Buy CountSell Count Shares BoughtShares Sold Buy / Sell Price of Shares Bought ($)Price of Shares Sold ($)Balance ($)
202150 x12 x0360,000 STRONG SELL04,153,032+4,153,032Transaction Details
2020111 x0 x28,3580000Transaction Details
2019112 x0 x50,9740000Transaction Details
2018111 x0 x14,8730000Transaction Details
2017111 x2 x26,25820,000 SELL0258,128+258,128Transaction Details
201755 x0 x75,0000 STRONG BUY251,8500-251,850Transaction Details
2016111 x1 x15,00031,536 STRONG SELL42,300141,124+98,824Transaction Details
201690 x1 x066,000 STRONG SELL01,320,000+1,320,000Transaction Details
201680 x0 x00000Transaction Details
201652 x0 x20,0000000Transaction Details
201643 x2 x49,000164,840 STRONG SELL207,425207,434+9Transaction Details
2015111 x0 x31,6620000Transaction Details
201552 x0 x32,0640000Transaction Details
2014111 x2 x32,00050,000 SELL0180,808+180,808Transaction Details
201451 x0 x7,0420000Transaction Details