JOSEPH W MCCLANATHAN Insider Trading Monthly Overview


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General | Insider Transactions | Monthly Overview

Monthly overview of insider trading of JOSEPH W MCCLANATHAN.

JOSEPH W MCCLANATHAN Insider Trading Monthly Overview

YearMonth Buy CountSell Count Shares BoughtShares Sold Buy / Sell Price of Shares Bought ($)Price of Shares Sold ($)Balance ($)
202153 x3 x3,9546,867 STRONG SELL127,056405,789+278,733Transaction Details
202142 x0 x7870 STRONG BUY29,8700-29,870Transaction Details
202121 x0 x7400 STRONG BUY63,9800-63,980Transaction Details
202112 x0 x8360 STRONG BUY29,5020-29,502Transaction Details
2020101 x0 x260 STRONG BUY9500-950Transaction Details
202081 x0 x9670 STRONG BUY64,7700-64,770Transaction Details
202072 x0 x1,0300 STRONG BUY28,7950-28,795Transaction Details
202052 x0 x4,6300 STRONG BUY64,8040-64,804Transaction Details
202042 x0 x6220 STRONG BUY14,4110-14,411Transaction Details
202021 x0 x1,0310 STRONG BUY64,7980-64,798Transaction Details
202011 x0 x7270 STRONG BUY28,7600-28,760Transaction Details
2019111 x1 x1,1124,399 STRONG SELL64,763240,999+176,236Transaction Details
201981 x0 x1,3170 STRONG BUY64,7440-64,744Transaction Details
201954 x0 x10,1460 STRONG BUY128,3320-128,332Transaction Details
201921 x1 x1,27410,143 STRONG SELL64,108444,544+380,437Transaction Details
2018111 x0 x1,2330 STRONG BUY64,1040-64,104Transaction Details
201882 x0 x1240 STRONG BUY7,9730-7,973Transaction Details
201851 x0 x3,2440000Transaction Details
201751 x2 x2,5247,620 STRONG SELL0302,399+302,399Transaction Details
201741 x0 x370 STRONG BUY1,5000-1,500Transaction Details
201711 x0 x390 STRONG BUY1,4660-1,466Transaction Details
2016101 x0 x400 STRONG BUY1,4630-1,463Transaction Details
201671 x0 x340 STRONG BUY1,4390-1,439Transaction Details
201651 x0 x2,7810000Transaction Details
201641 x0 x350 STRONG BUY1,3500-1,350Transaction Details
201611 x0 x430 STRONG BUY1,3320-1,332Transaction Details
2015120 x1 x010,100 STRONG SELL0426,792+426,792Transaction Details
2015101 x0 x380 STRONG BUY1,3200-1,320Transaction Details
201571 x0 x310 STRONG BUY1,2640-1,264Transaction Details
201551 x0 x2,9540000Transaction Details
201541 x0 x350 STRONG BUY1,2640-1,264Transaction Details
201531 x1 x1,4541,454 SELL40,00066,325+26,325Transaction Details