Ryan Nicholson Insider Trading Monthly Overview


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General | Insider Transactions | Monthly Overview

Monthly overview of insider trading of Ryan Nicholson.

Ryan Nicholson Insider Trading Monthly Overview

YearMonth Buy CountSell Count Shares BoughtShares Sold Buy / Sell Price of Shares Bought ($)Price of Shares Sold ($)Balance ($)
202120 x1 x02,237 STRONG SELL0203,583+203,583Transaction Details
2020121 x3 x4,500856 SELL078,051+78,051Transaction Details
202081 x2 x395901 STRONG SELL11,15563,656+52,501Transaction Details
202021 x2 x1,7402,920 STRONG SELL43,500209,116+165,616Transaction Details
2019121 x2 x2,250813 SELL055,222+55,222Transaction Details
201990 x1 x0182 STRONG SELL011,757+11,757Transaction Details
201984 x8 x21,33232,788 SELL970,6062,001,325+1,030,719Transaction Details