David Sasso Insider Trading


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General | Insider Transactions | Monthly Overview

Get the latest insider transactions of David Sasso. David Sasso is a Senior Vice President in EMERGENT CAPITAL, INC. ($IFT).

Address: 1330 WEST AVENUE., # 1703 MIAMI BEACH 33139 FL

Companies in which David Sasso is an Insider


Trading Symbol: EMGC
Industry: LIFE INSURANCE [6311]
Position of David Sasso: Senior Vice President
Holdings: 1,000 shares
Latest Transaction: Jun 27 2016

Last 4 weeks trend: HOLD
Last 3 months trend: HOLD View transactions

Latest Insider Trading Transactions of David Sasso

DateTickerCompanyOwnerRelationship Transaction Code Cost ($) Shares Transaction Value ($) Total Shares % Holdings
Jun 27 2016IFTEMERGENT CAPITAL, ...Sasso DavidSenior Vice Preside ...Option ExerciseA0.0040,000040,000
Sep 09 2015IFTEMERGENT CAPITAL, ...Sasso DavidSenior Vice Preside ...BuyP5.551,0005,5501,0000 to 1,000

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