CHERYL N TURPIN Insider Trading Monthly Overview


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General | Insider Transactions | Monthly Overview

Monthly overview of insider trading of CHERYL N TURPIN.

CHERYL N TURPIN Insider Trading Monthly Overview

YearMonth Buy CountSell Count Shares BoughtShares Sold Buy / Sell Price of Shares Bought ($)Price of Shares Sold ($)Balance ($)
202051 x0 x7880 STRONG BUY18,7780-18,778Transaction Details
202021 x0 x4650 STRONG BUY17,6560-17,656Transaction Details
2019111 x0 x3950 STRONG BUY17,4910-17,491Transaction Details
201981 x0 x4400 STRONG BUY17,3180-17,318Transaction Details
201972 x0 x3,3380 STRONG BUY139,9290-139,929Transaction Details
201952 x0 x1,6040 STRONG BUY17,2440-17,244Transaction Details
2018111 x0 x3160 STRONG BUY15,4210-15,421Transaction Details
201881 x0 x3250 STRONG BUY15,3270-15,327Transaction Details
201871 x0 x1,3290 STRONG BUY69,9720-69,972Transaction Details
201852 x0 x1,9190 STRONG BUY15,1680-15,168Transaction Details
201821 x0 x2800 STRONG BUY13,5460-13,546Transaction Details
2017101 x0 x4260 STRONG BUY13,4400-13,440Transaction Details
201781 x0 x2900 STRONG BUY13,3460-13,346Transaction Details
201771 x0 x1,4200 STRONG BUY69,9780-69,978Transaction Details
201752 x0 x1,1600 STRONG BUY13,3020-13,302Transaction Details
201730 x1 x02,000 STRONG SELL0152,340+152,340Transaction Details
201712 x0 x2,3810 STRONG BUY61,7440-61,744Transaction Details
2016111 x0 x1740 STRONG BUY11,6840-11,684Transaction Details
2016100 x1 x010,000 STRONG SELL0691,590+691,590Transaction Details
201681 x0 x1950 STRONG BUY11,6260-11,626Transaction Details
201672 x0 x2,3680 STRONG BUY129,9080-129,908Transaction Details
201652 x0 x1,3270 STRONG BUY11,6120-11,612Transaction Details
201621 x0 x1550 STRONG BUY10,4720-10,472Transaction Details
201611 x0 x2,2310 STRONG BUY49,9970-49,997Transaction Details
2015111 x0 x1540 STRONG BUY10,4340-10,434Transaction Details
201581 x0 x1480 STRONG BUY10,4410-10,441Transaction Details
201571 x0 x9700 STRONG BUY65,0000-65,000Transaction Details
201552 x0 x1,1960 STRONG BUY10,3680-10,368Transaction Details
201521 x0 x1710 STRONG BUY9,1010-9,101Transaction Details
201511 x0 x1,8780 STRONG BUY49,9740-49,974Transaction Details
2014111 x0 x1620 STRONG BUY9,0740-9,074Transaction Details
201481 x0 x1870 STRONG BUY8,9980-8,998Transaction Details
201471 x0 x1,0840 STRONG BUY54,9800-54,980Transaction Details
201452 x0 x1,3480 STRONG BUY8,9960-8,996Transaction Details
201421 x0 x2100 STRONG BUY8,1060-8,106Transaction Details
201411 x0 x2,0190 STRONG BUY49,9800-49,980Transaction Details