GOLDFIELD CORP Insider Trading Monthly Overview


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Monthly overview of insider trading in GOLDFIELD CORP.

GOLDFIELD CORP Insider Trading Monthly Overview

YearMonth Insider Buy CountInsider Sell Count Buy CountSell Count Shares BoughtShares Sold Buy / Sell Price of Shares Bought ($)Price of Shares Sold ($)Balance ($)
202012080 x11 x0385,542 STRONG SELL02,698,794+2,698,794Transaction Details
202010101 x0 x50,0000000Transaction Details
20205101 x0 x5,0000 STRONG BUY18,7500-18,750Transaction Details
20183103 x0 x15,0000 STRONG BUY55,3100-55,310Transaction Details
20156104 x0 x40,0000 STRONG BUY58,9260-58,926Transaction Details
201551027 x0 x87,0370 STRONG BUY114,9610-114,961Transaction Details
201412202 x0 x200,5000 STRONG BUY435,1700-435,170Transaction Details
2014111111 x38 x3,505461,870 STRONG SELL7,4291,029,420+1,021,991Transaction Details