TSR INC Insider Trading Monthly Overview


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Monthly overview of insider trading in TSR INC.

TSR INC Insider Trading Monthly Overview

YearMonth Insider Buy CountInsider Sell Count Buy CountSell Count Shares BoughtShares Sold Buy / Sell Price of Shares Bought ($)Price of Shares Sold ($)Balance ($)
20214102 x0 x3,1220 STRONG BUY24,9760-24,976Transaction Details
202125012 x0 x531,0000 STRONG BUY2,726,0000-2,726,000Transaction Details
20211103 x0 x7,7580 STRONG BUY49,7580-49,758Transaction Details
20188103 x0 x55,6800 STRONG BUY432,3580-432,358Transaction Details
20187020 x2 x01,638,982 STRONG SELL010,243,638+10,243,638Transaction Details
20182020 x8 x085,964 STRONG SELL0537,375+537,375Transaction Details
20173214 x1 x830,623875,151000Transaction Details